- Can You Show Me?
- Did I Miss Something?
- How Do I Share?
- Questions & Answers?
Can You Show Me?
There are many ways to show someone how to do something. I feel, as an educator, that is what I do. Certainly, when I am teaching MTH 092 I tend to do a lot of show-and-tell, although I prepare detailed notes, I still tend to repeat over-and-over again the same thing. Repetition matters, but it varies, and it is hard to know when repetition becomes a total bore.
So it's basically show me, but the key to good teaching is moving from the show me stage to the let me try myself stage---that is, we need to get our students to try. So let's get to the show me part of today's show.
For my upper level students (MTH 122) I still do a lot of repetition, but less so than I would do with my MTH 092 students. I even give, with good results, an extra credit assignment that totally depends on a student's ability to read. What surprises me here, is that some students actually thank me, saying that they need to learn how to read and follow instructions. Frankly speaking, my teaching at ECC relies mainly on what's presented in lecture. I am shocked that many students, even at the upper end, don't read, and what they learn must be taught with the show-and-tell method. It's our reality and we need to address this issue.
Written instructions are fine, but today I want to present an easy to use product that should be in every teachers' toolbox. It's a real great product that can easily be used to show students how to do something on a computer.
Did I Miss Something?
Invariable I have students who bring problems to class that were addressed in prior lectures. The basic demand is, SHOW ME HOW TO DO THE PROBLEM. For example, I cover Euler's method in MTH 122, and I often comment that watching me do this is like watching paint dry. Anyway, we go through the derivation of Euler's method and I do a simple example. After the lecture I post a video on how I do Euler's method (differs from what's done on standardized AP exams). Students can watch this video over-and-over again if they like. No matter, students still ask how to do it when it arises on my assigned homework. I say, TAKE A LOOK AT THE VIDEO AND TRY YOURSELF!
How Do I Share?
Get Jing! It's free and works like a charm! I've never had one student complaint about this product. I'll even show you how today, and yes, you'll be able to watch again-and-again if you like.
Questions & Answers?
Feel free to ask questions. Even if you did not attend the live seminar, please feel free to leave a comment and I'll do my best to address your questions or concerns.
You can also stop by my office, room 2210, and have a one-on-one with me if you prefer. I know how difficult it can be to make time for a seminar.
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